Simon Guindon

Large Scale Distributed Systems

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Joining Univa to work on Kubernetes and Navops

February 17, 2017

I’ve been working in the Ottawa Ontario Canada region all my career. It has been a great city to work and it is where I grew up and still call home. After my time at Shopify I decided I would broaden my search beyond Ottawa for my next challenge and seek remote opportunities.

Today I’m excited to announce that I’ll be joining Univa to work on Kubernetes and their Navops product suite.

For those unfamiliar with Kubernetes, Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration system founded by Google that provides automation for deploying, scaling and managing containers. Navops from Univa is a suite of products that adds higher scalability, improved server utilization, mixed workloads, managed scarcity and virtual multi-tenancy support to any Kubernetes distribution.

Here are some (but not all) of the features that Navops adds to Kubernetes.

  • Advanced scheduling.
  • Robust ACL support.
  • Optimal utilization of important resources.
  • Balance IO, memory and CPU usage.
  • Scale up or down interdependent services.
  • Resource sharing.
  • Workload preemption.

I’m going to enjoy working from home. I’ll miss the office atmosphere I’ve had in previous jobs but not commuting every day and the added flexibility of working from home is going to be really nice. I have a well equipped home office already that will be my dedicated work space.

The Kubernetes community is growing at a fast pace and my skills are in high performance code and large scale distributed systems so I think this is a great fit. I’m looking forward to joining the Univa Navops team next week and helping build exciting functionality to Kubernetes.

Copyright © 2018 Simon Guindon.
Non-commercial re-use with attribution encouraged; all other rights reserved.